Climb aboard!

Join us as we explore the wonders of the Catholic Church
through videos, games and more!



Frequently Asked Questions:

How Catholic are they? Well… they are SUPER Catholic! :) We don’t stray away from any of the teachings of the Catholic Church, eg: the teachings found in the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

We are excited to be a part of your faith journey and your mission as a parent or educator to help pass on the awesomeness of the Catholic faith. So, on that note, your subscription to will include games and videos about Saints, The Sacraments, Mother Mary, the Rosary, Catholic traditions like the Stations of the Cross and more.

We’ll include Sacred Art, as well as Pixel Art, Paintings of Saints as well as puppets, polyphony and pop music. In other words, what we do will include a variety of styles both traditional and “modern”in terms of style. We think it’s important to introduce children to the beauty and tradition of Sacred Art and Sacred music and you’ll see alot of that on here. We’re also not going to shy away from using fun and upbeat music and imagery and characters to help teach the faith! In summary, on you’ll find a healthy mix or sacred and fun, all pointed towards helping children to know and love God and the awesomeness of the Catholic faith.